I have found a problem with the way sphere sweeps cast shadows, and I have
not seen anything about this but I may have missed it. I started with a simple
sphere sweep with b_spline and tolerance 1 and I may have made some sort of
error here. However, I played with this a little and decided to put a couple of
other objects in the scene for reference.
Obviously, if there are sections of a sphere sweep that are "control"
segments, they will be invisible and you would not render them or their shadows-
no_shadow is the key here, I think. But the first segment is control and should
be invisible with no_shadow in effect, and that I understand. It appears that
the second segment is still flagged for no_shadow in the routine, and so while
it renders, it will leave a gap. Probably something very simple to fix in the
Any POVers have this occur? I can post an image in another group if you
have to see this, as well as source code.
Chip Shults
My robotics, space and CGI web page - http://home.cfl.rr.com/aichip
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